Sunday, September 4, 2011

Another 13+ Hour Flight

Helllo everyone,

I'm going to try to be brief, but as most of you know I'm spending first semester of this year in Shanghai. Being in the wonderful world of China, Facebook is often blocked and even blogger has its downsides, but I figured I'd do my best to keep up with everyone via this blog. Whimsy Wanderings seemed to fit my trend of alliteration (see Nightly Noms), and since I'll most likely spend the time that I'm inhaling Chinese characters wandering the streets of Shanghai looking for a good adventure, the name seemed appropriate.

Anyway, thus far I've survived my 15+ travel itinerary that took me through Toronto (yes, Poutine was eaten and I did have the good fortune to hear someone say "eh?") and then on to Shanghai. Per usual, movies were watched, napping occurred, and meals were served at the most random of times. I have to admit though, I did miss having travel buddies like on my last trip to China...although I'm glad I avoided a 6 hour layover in Moscow.

Upon arriving to Pudong International Airport, I was ushered to a CIEE holding area and then taken to East China Normal University (ECNU), in Putuo District of China. I was supposed to be staying in the dorms at ECNU, but after checking in they informed me I was a homestay student...WHAT?! was my response. I mean, homestays are great, but I was sort of hoping for the freedom of a dorm. So now, I have to deal with whether I request to be placed in the dorm or remain in my homestay. A hard decision to make since the family is so nice, understanding, and had me go through all of my photos to tell them about my family/friends... Either way, orientation starts tomorrow, I'm exhausted, and I forgot how smoggy it gets here. But, I'm super excited to be back East and can't wait for the exploring to begin!

Keep in touch!

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