Monday, September 5, 2011

Housing Resolved-The no sweets eating was a deal breaker

Hello my stateside/abroad friends,

Host Home
All has been resolved, I'm headed for dorm life tomorrow. Yes, I'm slightly selling out, but oh well I want a different experience than what a homestay offers; and yes, that experience includes going out to bars/clubs along with my academic goals of blowing my mind up with Chinese characters. You know...continue the work hard, play hard tradition. I shall be dragging my stuff back to campus tomorrow morning, much to the dismay of my host family. In the end, I guess you win some, you lose some. And considering the fact that I offered them homemade caramels from the candy shop I worked at this summer and they refused saying they were trying to lose weight....something tells me this arrangement wouldn't have quite worked out.

Expo Chinese Pavilion 
Other than housing issues, today was a good day, orientation took up most of the morning, but it was definitely entertaining. With tales of Chinese tea scams and reasons why you avoid "Dirty KTV/Massage Parlors" (Happy Ending, anyone?), we were talked through what our semester abroad would be like and reminded that "yes, go out, drink, club, have fun....but please don't rage" Obviously, someone raised their hand to get the exact chinese definition for "raging." Apparently pregamming is becoming more popular, but still something new.

In the afternoon we had lunch at Cloud 9 mall. In terms of food, no noodles today, but a pretty good lunch consisting of minced lamb with scallions, plum sauce, cucumber, and moo shu pancakes (Peiking Duck 北京烤鸭 [Beijing kaoya] assembly required). Quite a tasty lunch for 40rmb (~$6.10)...I still want my noodles 面 (mian) and egg pancakes 鸡蛋饼(jidan bing) both cost under $2...I did get a good dose of ice cream today. Thank goodness for those cones, today was a cookies'n'cream type of occasion. Also went to yoga today with host mum/daughter, sort of interesting, it's a good way to learn the words for the body parts...along with giggle at alternative sounds they use to breathing.

Anyway, hopefully more exploring tomorrow, and then you can feel free to read this rather than skim for juicy stories (ha! too early in the semester for that).

晚安 wan an (good night),

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