Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mission Accomplished-Back to Dorm Life 好极了!!!

大家好! (Hello Everyone)

G'town Love

For all of my friends 朋友们(pengyoumen) that have been keeping up with my stumbling arrival to Shanghai, you knew that I was dealing with dorm vs. homestay. You'll be glad to hear that I've moved out of my candy-disliking host family's apt. and into a lovely dorm! (sadly no in suite bathroom, but hey, I get awesome storage) I'm on campus in the "International Students' Dorm No. 2" “国际学生宿舍二”near the back gate of campus, which by the way has the best street vendors/dumpling “饺子” (jiaozi) shop!

Overall impressions of my study abroad were so much better today. I felt bad leaving my host family, but honestly, the freedom of the dorms won out. I had round two of orientation that consisted of an overview of the Advance Chinese Studies Program and an advisor meeting to pick my elective. I realized that with 8am-12pm language classes Mon-Fri, a commitment to speak Chinese 24/7 (including dreams), and the fact that we're doing upwards of 3 lessons a week, that I've basically sold my soul and sanity to Mao (现在下死我, kill me now!). Thank goodness for three day weekends and amazing nightlife. I have a placement test tomorrow too...wondering if I should be worried that I might epically fail at remembering Chinese.

Other than academic stuff, I went grocery shopping at "Hao You Duo  好又多" aka Walmart or "Wa Er Ma." I also had the chance to set up my dorm room. I'm so glad that I was able to fit clothes, shoes, and decorations in one bag. It's quite amazing how one becomes proficient at packing...I think I did a pretty good job considering I fit 8 pairs of shoes, pictures, food, and waay too many clothes in one bag.

Moon Cakes!

On a final note, this weekend is a holiday. Mid-Autumn Festival is the day where family/friends come together to watch the moon and eat "moon cakes" (no, not of the marshmallow variety). I bought a strawberry moon cake today, so I'll let you know what it's like once I take a bite :)

Comments are always appreciated, although since I'm on facebook at random hours of the night (your time), I'm sure you'll find me there (many of you already have!). OR, if you want to be awesome and really keep in touch, there's always "whatsapp" it's a free messaging app on your mobile, so if you need to text, that's where you'll find me.


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